Lent Information
The Season of Lent begins Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025 and ends Holy Thursday, April 17, 2025
- Abstinence: Everyone 14 and older is bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and all Fridays of Lent.
- Fasting: Everyone 18-59 is required to fast on Ash Wednesday, March 5, and on Good Friday, April 18. One full meal and two light meals are permitted. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids are premitted. To disregard the Law of Fast and Abstinence is seriously sinful.
- Stations of the Cross: 5:00 pm Thursdays, March 13, 20, 27, April 3, & 10 at St. John's Memphis
- Stations of the Cross: 6:30 pm Fridays in Clark County - March 7, 21, April 4 at St. Michael's, Kahoka & March 14, 28, April 10 at Shrine of St. Patrick
- St. Patrick Novena: March 9-17
- St. Patrick's Day Celebration: March 16, 9:00 am Mass until ceremory closing 2:00 pm
- Operation Rice Bowl: We are participating, The theme is (For Lent For Life). Rice Bowls are available in the churches. You may place your sacrifices in the weekly collection in a white envelope or bring it all on Holy Saturday or Resurrection Sunday.
- The Chrism Mass: The Oils of the Sick, Catechumen and Chrism are blessed is at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, April 15 at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Jefferson City. All are invited to attend.
- The Infirmed Priest Collection: A voluntary donation may be given. Envelopes for this will be provided by the Diocese or use one of your own and mark accordingly.
Easter Flowers: St. Michael's - Please place name & money into a white envelope by Sunday, April 13.
Easter Flowers: St. John's - Please place name & money into a white envelope by Saturday, April 12.

Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday:
Sat. April 12, 5:30 PM @ St. John's, Memphis
Sun. April 13, 8:00 AM @ St. Michael's, Kahoka
Sun. April 13, 10:00 AM @ Shrine of St. Patrick, St. Patrick
Special Masses:
Mon. April 14, 7:30 AM @ St. Michael's, Kahoka
Tues. April 15, 3:00 PM Chrism Mass @ Cathedral Jefferson City, MO
Holy Thursday:
Wed. April 16, 5:30 PM @ St. John's, Memphis
Thurs. April 17, 6:00 PM @ St. Michael's, Kahoka
Good Friday:
Fri. April 18, 3:00 PM @ St. John's, Memphis
Fri. April 18, 6:00 PM @ St. Michael's, Kahoka
Holy Saturday:
Sat. April 19, 5:30 PM @ St. John's, Memphis
Resurrection Sunday:
Sun. April 20, 8:00 AM @ St. Michael's, Kahoka
Sun. April 20, 10:00 AM @ Shrine of St. Patrick, St. Patrick