Clark County’s Catholic Parish’s would like to welcome Father Robert Fields to Clark County.
Bishop McKnight decrees:
1. All the faithful of the Diocese of Jefferson City and those present in the territory of the diocese are dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation until September 11, 2020 provided that for the days of precept after July 1, 2020 they do the following:
A. Participate in the Sunday or Holyday Mass livestreamed from their parish church or chapel, the Cathedral, or the Vatican.
B. Prayerfully read and mediate on the readings of the Mass for the Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation and recite the rosary.
C. Prayerfully read and mediate on the readings for the Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation and recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
We will continue to follow the procedures already in place. You may view the full decree at diojeffcity.org If you have any questions please call Father Rob 660-727-3472
Masses now will be at the following times and locations for Clark County:
Wednesday 6:30pm at Shrine of St. Patrick
Friday 7:30am at St. Michael's
Sunday, 8:00am at St. Michael's
Sunday, 10:00am at Shrine of St. Patrick